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Interview Sixteen: Candice Wilson


Tell us some things about you...
- I’m overthinking things to share about me… it’s been 10mins now. 

 - My growth within to feel not only at home but confident and empowered within myself is one of my greatest successes. 

 - I’ve learnt that when you’re in a healthy honest relationship, you don’t fall - you grow inlove, & I am loving being inlove.

- BAILEY is my dog whom I’m unapologetically obsessed with, he’s my son, my bundle of joy! Dogs (and all animals) are angels on this earth! 

- I took me, myself and I and moved to UK from Australia - the most rewarding venture!!! Live/Travel ~ let your heart/mind be opened!

What is your favourite thing to do for you, daily?
Lately for me, it has been meeting myself where I am at. And moving from there to what feels good to/for me. Presence too, always! We speak a lot on being present with others, but presence with ourselves - integral. 

Something you live by?
This year, ‘follow what feels good’ has been a motto of mine. To what feels good in my body, my intuition (She ain’t no joke!) sometimes means going against a taught way, a societal pressure or saying no to others & a yes to you. I feel lighter (energetically) as the year goes by. 


What’s up next for you?
Growing more inlove, being more obsessed with my dog ahah! For real, forever growing my relationship with myself, settling into living in Melbourne more and a few acting & yoga endeavours are under way, gratefully. 

You mentioned earlier one of your greatest successes was the growth, relationship with yourself, can you speak on more this? 
Successes we have in life, I feel they are always an external thing; a degree, a job, an award, an income, but the last couple of years it’s really become more and more apparent to me how empowering it is to feel good in your skin and own that - i feel successful when I’m really seated in my body. In my teens, even into my early twenties - I used to eye roll at the quote ‘the most important relationship is the one you have with yourself’. Now I’m preaching it, ahaha - it is the seed to all the grows from you, from within to without. Start there, with honest and in time you’ll bloom as you are meant too, (remember seeds grow in the darkness of soil - keep caring for you through it all).

What L’aura the Label piece do you love / wear the most?
MY KIMONO!!!! Love love LOVE her! I’ve had her for over 4 years now, I feel like a goddess in her, whether at home relaxing or wrapped around me at the beach post swim. 

What drew you to L’aura the Label at the beginning?
Firstly my beautiful friend Laura, supporting friends is important! But also I love linen, I love that I have artwork on my clothes, it’s handmade and intentionally made. Wonderful quality too. 

IG @iamcandicewilson 

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